“Discourage litigation.  Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can.”

– Abraham Lincoln


Foley & Mansfield's settlement attorneys come to the mediation table with strong business and litigatyion experience. Adept at developing settlement options with a sound business solution, our mediation practice is focused on resolving disputes involving complex business, personal injury, product liability, toxic/mass tort, and construction defect issues.

Throughout our firm's history, we have successfully tried numerous cases to verdict in the state and federal courts, and resolved thousands of cases prior to trial with a focus on fair and amicable settlement solutions. We firmly believe it is often in the client’s best interest to work toward settlement to avoid the time, expense and emotional commitment of protracted litigation, and the negative impact that can have on a company's operations well beyond the conclusion of a courtroom battle.

Our experience in extremely complex areas of the law provides us with a deep understanding of the many issues faced by those embroiled in disputes, and it has shaped our mediation approach accordingly – in short, assisting parties in their negotiations by identifying areas of agreement and developing strategies to overcome obstacles to settlement. We excel at helping parties clarify their real objectives, and in facilitating the consideration of alternatives that might be overlooked by opposing attorneys engaged in battle.

Foley & Mansfield has succeeded in becoming one of the nation's leading litigation law firms, serving clients ranging in size from multi-million dollar corporations to small businesses and their owners. We invite you to learn firsthand how our mediation approach can assist in resolving the most troubling disputes, saving time, money and piece of mind.

Business and Commercial • Personal Injury • Product Liability • Construction Defects • Toxic and Mass Tort

Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.


Giving Back to the Community

At Foley & Mansfield, we have the same commitment and employ the same creative approach in representing pro bono clients as we do in representing our core clientele. Our attorneys embrace volunteerism, including pro bono legal services. 

Since 2003 - when we first established a formal Pro Bono practice - our attorneys have represented a wide variety of low-income individuals and nonprofit organizations. Each year we devote hundreds of hours to this effort.

To date, the Foley & Mansfield Charitable Foundation has provided financial support and countless hours of service to bettering our communities and helping those in need.





Lisa Lamm Bachman

Lisa Lamm Bachman, Chair, Foley & Mansfield National Mediation and Arbitration team.

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